We are fortunate for this invited tutorial to have brought together a number of internationally leading researchers in the Semantic Web area. The goal for this tutorial is to give attendees an overview of the main concepts and issues in the area of the Semantic Web and Ontological Engineering. This tutorial builds upon the 5-year experience of successfully running week long summer schools within the KnowledgeWeb project (see http://knowledgeweb.semanticweb.org/sssw07/)
The tutorial will cover the topics listed below.
09:00 | Introduction and Overview to the Semantic Web - Jim Hendler
In this overview Jim will cover some of the history behind the Semantic Web, a number of the current issues and what the future holds.
09:45 | An Introduction to OWL - Sean Bechhofer
Starting with an overview of the requirements for defining and using ontologies on the Web Sean will then outline the main concepts and issues associated with the Web ontology languaages, RDF, RDFS and OWL. By the end of this presentation attendees will have gained a basic understanding of the principles underlying OWL.
10:30 | Coffee Break
11:00 | Ontology Engineering Methodologies - Asun Gómez-Pérez
Using the insights gained in a decade of research Asun will describe the main principles and phases underlying the construction of ontologies, including acquisition, conceptualization, evaluation and integration. By the end of this presentation attendees will have an overview of the main steps involved in creating an industrial strength ontology.
11:45 | Ontology Engineering Design Patterns - Aldo Gangemi
Building upon Asun's presentation here Aldo will focus on Ontology Design. In particular, Aldo will apply the software engineering notion of design patterns to the design of ontologies. This session will give attendees a number of insights into the differences between good and bad ontology design.
12:30 | Lunch
14:00 | Automatic Techniques for Extracting Semantic Data (from text and media) - Fabio Ciravegna
Using the results of a number of large European projects Fabio will outline the main issues for acquiring ontological knowledge from text and media at large scale. A lot of the work described here is based on collaborations with the jet engine company Rolls Royce. This session will give attendees insights into how information extraction techniques can support the population of ontologies with data.
14:45 | Semantic Web Services - John Domingue and David Martin
In this session John and David will first give an overview of the problem and vision for applying Semantic Web technologies to Web Services, then they will describe a number of the most important approaches and finally Semantic Web Service applications. By the end of this session attendees will gained an understanding of the main issues in Semantic Web Services and an overview of OWL-S, SAWSDL and WSMO.
15:30 | Coffee Break
16:00 | Semantic Interoperability - Jerome Euzenat and Natasha Noy
In the same way that the Web is composed of heterogeneous resources the Semantic Web is composed of heterogeneous ontologies. In this session Jerome and Natasha will discuss what interoperability means at the semantic level. Additionally, they will outline different techniques which can be used to address this problem. At the end of this session attendees will understand the notions and issues underlying semantic interoperability.
16:45 | Semantic Web Applications - Enrico Motta
In the final session Enrico will first describe the Semantic Web as it exists today and then outline the main requirements and issues surrounding the creation of Semantic Web applications.
17:30 | Close
The tutorial will cover the topics listed below.
08:45 | Welcome and Introduction - John Domingue
09:00 | Introduction and Overview to the Semantic Web - Jim Hendler

In this overview Jim will cover some of the history behind the Semantic Web, a number of the current issues and what the future holds.
09:45 | An Introduction to OWL - Sean Bechhofer

Starting with an overview of the requirements for defining and using ontologies on the Web Sean will then outline the main concepts and issues associated with the Web ontology languaages, RDF, RDFS and OWL. By the end of this presentation attendees will have gained a basic understanding of the principles underlying OWL.
10:30 | Coffee Break
11:00 | Ontology Engineering Methodologies - Asun Gómez-Pérez

Using the insights gained in a decade of research Asun will describe the main principles and phases underlying the construction of ontologies, including acquisition, conceptualization, evaluation and integration. By the end of this presentation attendees will have an overview of the main steps involved in creating an industrial strength ontology.
11:45 | Ontology Engineering Design Patterns - Aldo Gangemi

Building upon Asun's presentation here Aldo will focus on Ontology Design. In particular, Aldo will apply the software engineering notion of design patterns to the design of ontologies. This session will give attendees a number of insights into the differences between good and bad ontology design.
12:30 | Lunch
14:00 | Automatic Techniques for Extracting Semantic Data (from text and media) - Fabio Ciravegna

Using the results of a number of large European projects Fabio will outline the main issues for acquiring ontological knowledge from text and media at large scale. A lot of the work described here is based on collaborations with the jet engine company Rolls Royce. This session will give attendees insights into how information extraction techniques can support the population of ontologies with data.
14:45 | Semantic Web Services - John Domingue and David Martin

In this session John and David will first give an overview of the problem and vision for applying Semantic Web technologies to Web Services, then they will describe a number of the most important approaches and finally Semantic Web Service applications. By the end of this session attendees will gained an understanding of the main issues in Semantic Web Services and an overview of OWL-S, SAWSDL and WSMO.
15:30 | Coffee Break
16:00 | Semantic Interoperability - Jerome Euzenat and Natasha Noy

In the same way that the Web is composed of heterogeneous resources the Semantic Web is composed of heterogeneous ontologies. In this session Jerome and Natasha will discuss what interoperability means at the semantic level. Additionally, they will outline different techniques which can be used to address this problem. At the end of this session attendees will understand the notions and issues underlying semantic interoperability.
16:45 | Semantic Web Applications - Enrico Motta

In the final session Enrico will first describe the Semantic Web as it exists today and then outline the main requirements and issues surrounding the creation of Semantic Web applications.
17:30 | Close