BuddySpace map structure

the parser is case-sensitive, i.e. all tags have to be in lower case

Map tag

<map id="name_of_file.ygf" xmlns="http://jabber.open.ac.uk/tags/map"/>
  • can include several layers

Layer tag

<layer id="layer_ID" offset_x="50" offset_y="110" scale="0.5" priority="1"/>
  • offsets are in pixels
  • scale >1 makes the layer bigger, <1 smaller
  • priority determines order of painting, highest priority is on the top
  • default priority is 0
  • includes:
    either reference to another map (ygf file)
    <layer id="in2" offset_x="0" offset_y="140" scale="0.62" src="map2.ygf">
    or one img and several item/cluster tags

Img tag

<img src="pict.jpg" width="100" height="200"/>
  • map image source file and its size in pixels

Cluster tag

<cluster lat="60" lon="110" size="80" name="my_cluster"/>
  • coordinates of cluster in image in pixels
  • size of area for which JIDs were clustered
  • can contain name of the cluster
  • can include cluster and/or item tags

Item tag

<item jid="buddy@server.com" lat="30" lon="150"/>
  • JID of contact and coordinates in image in pixels


you can find the following examples in examples directory in maps and test them directly in BuddySpace

1) single map with 2 JIDs

<map id="map1.ygf" xmlns="http://jabber.open.ac.uk/tags/map">
  <layer id="inset_1" offset_x="0" offset_y="0" scale="1">
    <img src="ortho_0.gif" width="242" height="243"/>
    <item jid="buddy1@jabber.org" lat="35.0" lon="135.0"/>
    <item jid="buddy2@jabber.org" lat="153.33333" lon="175.0"/>

2) map with 2 layers - big map with an inset

<map id="map2.ygf" xmlns="http://jabber.open.ac.uk/tags/map">
  <layer id="big_map" offset_x="0" offset_y="0" scale="1"  priority="0">
    <img src="Euro.gif" width="400" height="380"/>
    <item jid="buddy4@jabber.org" lat="212.5" lon="153.75"/>
    <item jid="buddy5@jabber.org" lat="180.0" lon="77.5"/>
  <layer id="inset" offset_x="277" offset_y="2" scale="0.5" priority="1">
    <img src="ortho_0.gif" width="242" height="243"/>
    <item jid="buddy1@jabber.org" lat="35.0" lon="135.0"/>
    <item jid="buddy2@jabber.org" lat="153.33333" lon="175.0"/>

3) map with layer referencing another map and defined inset

<map id="map2.ygf" xmlns="http://jabber.open.ac.uk/tags/map">
  <layer id="big_map" offset_x="0" offset_y="0" scale="1" priority="0">
    <img src="Euro.gif" width="400" height="380"/>
    <item jid="buddy4@jabber.org" lat="212.5" lon="153.75"/>
    <item jid="buddy5@jabber.org" lat="180.0" lon="77.5"/>
  <layer id="inset" offset_x="277" offset_y="2" scale="0.5" src="map1.ygf" priority="1"/>

4) map with cluster hierarchy

<map id="map4.ygf" xmlns="http://jabber.open.ac.uk/tags/map">
  <layer id="only_one" offset_x="0" offset_y="0" scale="1">
    <img src="ortho_0.gif" width="242" height="243"/>
    <cluster lat="35" lon="135" size="10">
       <item jid="buddy1@jabber.org" lat="30" lon="140"/>
       <cluster lat="38" lon="134" size="5">
          <item jid="buddy2@jabber.org" lat="37" lon="135"/>
          <item jid="buddy3@jabber.org" lat="39" lon="133"/>
    <item jid="buddy4@jabber.org" lat="153.33333" lon="175.0"/>