Call for Technology Demonstrations
  The purpose of this part of the conference is to give universities, companies and individual researchers the opportunity to present demonstrations of innovative tools and software applications related to the themes of the conference. If you are interested in presenting a demonstration, please submit a short description, max 2 pages, in PDF format, addressing the following points:
  • What is the significance of the system for a given area of research (e.g., ontologies, semantic web, knowledge management)?
  • What issues does the system target, and why are they interesting/important?
  • What are the main features concerning the system's performance and what are the(envisaged) use cases?
The two-pagers should also contain at least one snapshot of the system in action and the authors are strongly encouraged to provide a pointer to a URL with an interactive demonstrator or a movie walkthrough. In the latter case they should use standard AVI, MOV, or Flash formats. The system descriptions will be reviewed and the selected ones published in the EKAW 2004 Demo Notes. Authors are also encouraged to use the same two-pagers as 'handouts' for the conference attendees. Technology demonstrations submitted to this track may also accompany a full paper, submitted to the main conference.

How to submit

Proposals should be submitted to the EKAW 2004 Demo Chair:

Martin Dzbor
Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

Important dates:

Deadline for demo proposals and descriptions: July 15th 2004 (amended)
Notification of acceptance: July 21st 2004
Camera-ready descriptions: July 30th 2004