List of Accepted Workshops
  We are pleased to have the following workshops that were accepted for the 14th EKAW. Please visit the workshop websites to find out details about submitting a contribution or participating in a workshop:
  • Workshop on the Application of Language and Semantic Technologies to support Knowledge Management Processes - All day  (workshop website)
    Contact: Victoria Uren (KMi, UK)
    Co-chairs: Philipp Cimiano (AIFB, Germany), Fabio Ciravegna (Sheffield Uni, UK), Enrico Motta and Victoria Uren (both KMi, UK)

  • Workshop on Core Ontologies in Ontology Engineering - Morning/half day  (workshop website)
    Co-chairs: Aldo Gangemi (ISTC Italy) and Stefano Borgo (ISTC, Italy)

  • Workshop on Knowledge Management and Semantic Web - Morning/half day (workshop website)
    Contact: Rose Dieng-Kuntz (INRIA, France)
    Co-chairs: Rose Dieng-Kuntz (INRIA, France) and Fabien Gandon (Carnegie Mellon Uni, USA)
    Co-organizers: Philippe Pérez (Atos Origin France), Joel Quinqueton (LIRMM, France) and Paola Turci (Uni Parma, Italy)

  EKAW 2004 Workshop Chair:

John Domingue
Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

Important dates:

Deadline for proposals: April 1st 2004 (closed)
Notification of acceptance: April 7th 2004 (closed)
Camera-ready workshop notes: September 1st 2004
Workshops will take place on October 8th 2004