14th International Conference on
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
EKAW 2004
5-8th October 2004 - Whittlebury Hall, Northamptonshire,
List of Accepted Workshops
We are pleased to have the following workshops that were
accepted for the 14th EKAW. Please visit the workshop websites to
find out details about submitting a contribution or participating in a workshop:
Workshop on the Application of Language and Semantic Technologies to support
Knowledge Management Processes - All day (workshop website)
Contact: Victoria Uren (KMi, UK)
Co-chairs: Philipp Cimiano (AIFB, Germany), Fabio Ciravegna (Sheffield Uni, UK),
Enrico Motta and Victoria Uren (both KMi, UK)
Workshop on Core Ontologies in Ontology Engineering - Morning/half day (workshop website)
Co-chairs: Aldo Gangemi (ISTC Italy) and Stefano Borgo (ISTC, Italy)
Workshop on Knowledge Management and Semantic Web- Morning/half day (workshop website)
Contact: Rose Dieng-Kuntz (INRIA, France)
Co-chairs: Rose Dieng-Kuntz (INRIA, France) and Fabien Gandon (Carnegie Mellon Uni, USA)
Co-organizers: Philippe Pérez (Atos Origin France), Joel Quinqueton (LIRMM, France) and Paola Turci (Uni Parma, Italy)
EKAW 2004 Workshop Chair:
John Domingue
Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom
Important dates:
Deadline for proposals: April 1st 2004 (closed)
Notification of acceptance: April 7th 2004 (closed)
Camera-ready workshop notes: September 1st 2004
Workshops will take place on October 8th 2004