Keith van Rijsbergen |
Dr. Keith van Rijsbergen is a Professor at the Department of Computing Science. Since 1969, his research has been devoted to Information Retrieval, covering both theoretical and experimental aspects. He specified several theoretical models for IR prototyping some of them and seeing them through to production. His current research is concerned with the design of appropriate logics to model the flow of information with applications to multimedia retrieval. He was the prime contractor for the Esprit working group Mira concentrating on the evaluation of interactive retrieval systems and was involved in many European funded initiatives such as MINSTREL, KWICK, SHAPE, IDOMENEUS, MIRO, FERMI. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Institution of Electrical Engineers, and of the British Computer Society. He is on the editorial boards of IP&M, Information Systems, the Computer Journal, Journal of Information Retrieval. He is a member of the Advisory Group on the IST programme (ISTAG) of the EU. In 1979, he wrote a classical book on information retrieval and recently he co-authored the book “Information Retrieval: Uncertainty and Logics”.
Joemon Jose |
Dr. Joemon Jose, Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, specialises in Information Retrieval and is a principal investigator on an EPSRC project for personalised retrieval. He investigated and developed new image retrieval techniques for semi-structured photographic collections as well as the issues involved in the evaluation of interactive retrieval systems. Currently, he concentrates on video summarisation and retrieval, context sensitive information retrieval and architectures for information retrieval. He was an active participant of the MIRA working group on evaluation and helped organise multimedia retrieval workshops.
Iadh Ounis |
Dr. Iadh Ounis is a Lecturer in the Department of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow since September 1999. Prior to this, he was a Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore, and a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France, where he received his PhD in February 1998. During his PhD, his research was dedicated to the study and the experimentation of logic-based Information Retrieval (IR) models. During his PhD, he developed the RELIEF image retrieval system which combines expressiveness and rapidity into a single system. He has been involved in a number of projects and working groups on IR, including the FERMI, MIRO and MIRA European funded initiatives. Shortly after the completion of his PhD, he joined the National University of Singapore, to work in the context of a joint research program action between the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France, the National University of Singapore, and the Kent Ridge Digital Laboratories of Singapore. He was involved in the Digital Images and Video Applications (DIVA) project. Since he joined the University of Glasgow, his research has concentrated on Web IR. Moreover, he has been actively working on building the Terrier IR platform (ir.dcs.gla.ac.uk/terrier), funded by an EPSRC grant, which is the underlying search engine of the University of Glasgow’s successful participations to the TREC forum (NIST, USA). His current research interests are Web IR, Semantic Web, and probabilistic frameworks for IR. He is currently the principle investigator of a Leverhulme Trust project, which studies length normalisation in IR. Dr Ounis co-organised and co-chaired the 2003 and 2004 SIGIR workshop on Semantic Web and Information Retrieval. He is a member of the BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group committee (BCS IRSG).