WEBVTT 7f39343f-a92e-4c2f-b29f-febd1aebc7a6-0 00:00:05.730 --> 00:00:11.178 Uh this is the Pico robot and it's connected through a USB 7f39343f-a92e-4c2f-b29f-febd1aebc7a6-1 00:00:11.178 --> 00:00:12.010 cable and 89bd9f5f-976c-4e37-b656-a82b81dd907d-0 00:00:13.050 --> 00:00:18.334 and we have here we have a different type of codes which 89bd9f5f-976c-4e37-b656-a82b81dd907d-1 00:00:18.334 --> 00:00:23.897 allows people to pick up such as JPT and different types of 89bd9f5f-976c-4e37-b656-a82b81dd907d-2 00:00:23.897 --> 00:00:29.460 library API libraries and when I run this code it will show e0b094ab-9c62-4e08-a2b0-e49389a15590-0 00:00:30.250 --> 00:00:32.740 it's it will start listening and 54bd6a73-bb33-421f-b1ba-01c7c9b5c11c-0 00:00:33.520 --> 00:00:36.150 you can ask any question and it will give you 8ac3bbdf-4145-4f23-ac1d-db73943a62be-0 00:00:37.370 --> 00:00:41.180 different types of responding to respond differently. 51e89c24-e128-4379-8a32-b01e2e1e60b6-0 00:00:48.720 --> 00:00:52.770 Hello my name is Piper. How can I help you 1180d6bd-3ffc-49b3-8c26-99b14542e596-0 00:00:55.550 --> 00:00:56.960 ask your question? 9a5d57e0-e0e2-4c07-8d2a-72166f64a083-0 00:00:58.970 --> 00:01:00.240 Tell me a funny story. 451f3ae8-ec8c-428b-ac06-dbc123d7d48e-0 00:01:05.130 --> 00:01:10.072 Now it will respond to the question I've asked happened 451f3ae8-ec8c-428b-ac06-dbc123d7d48e-1 00:01:10.072 --> 00:01:15.015 when attempting to fix its broken car seeks a mechanic. 451f3ae8-ec8c-428b-ac06-dbc123d7d48e-2 00:01:15.015 --> 00:01:17.840 After waiting, the mechanic says 65194424-2bf4-4ef4-9978-7b35903dd086-0 00:01:18.550 --> 00:01:21.970 Looks like he blew a seal. Penguin replies. b3c66755-b57b-41c1-a1fb-c0c9d6417229-0 00:01:22.730 --> 00:01:25.430 No, it's just ice cream. d988b3a3-fb6d-40d9-8623-183678743342-0 00:01:30.250 --> 00:01:33.610 This is the worst. Ask your question.