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About Compulog Net

About CompulogNet Compulog Net is Europe's Network of Excellence in Computational Logic. The network links over 100 nodes drawn from leading research centres, universities and industrial companies. Its aim is to support all the phases of technological change associated with the research, development and application of logic-based techniques and methods in all areas of computing. The network actively promotes scientific and educational exchanges between its nodes, including cooperative working, information dissemination, student mobility and distance learning.

About Compulog Net

About CompulogNet at KMi Compulog Net at KMi The Knowledge Media research lab at the Open University in the UK, is Europe's premiere facility for new media and internet research. As a multimedia and education node in the CompulogNet we are bringing together our applied logic programming research with innovative web presentational and mulitmedia facilities into a single forum.

Compulog Net at KMi | Compulog Net Main Site | KMi Home Page