Psychology of Programming Interest Group
PPIG Work-in-Progress Workshop (WIP-PPIG 2009)
Centre for Research in Computing, Open University,
Milton Keynes, UK 8-9 January 2009
Call For Papers
download the call for papers pdf 
The Psychology of Programming Group (PPIG) invites software engineers and researchers to submit abstracts for its 5th Work-in-Progress meeting, to be held at the Centre for Research in Computing at the Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
The PPIG work-in-progress workshop is a forum in which researchers at all levels can present and discuss current work and recent results, findings and developments concerned with psychological aspects of software development. A feature of the PPIG workshops has been their openness to a wide spectrum of concerns related to programming and software engineering, from the design of programming languages to communication issues in software teams, and from computing education to high-performance professional practice. Similarly, PPIG entertains a broad spectrum of research approaches, from theoretical perspectives drawing on psychological theory to empirical perspectives grounded in real-world experience.
Papers should address issues related to cognitive or social aspects of programming and/or analysis of software development behaviours. If you are not sure that your topic is suitable for the workshop, you are welcome to send an email to Gabriela Pavel (
Experienced researchers and practitioners, as well as doctoral students, are equally invited to submit.
Looking forward to meeting you at the Open University.
Important Dates
Sunday, 30 November 2008, submission of extended abstracts (1 to 2 pages) ** deadline updated **
Monday, 08 December 2008, notification of acceptance
Sunday, 14 December 2008, submission of final copy
Friday, 19 December 2008, deadline for registration
Paper Submission
Abstracts should be uploaded using the
submission page dedicated to this event. Accepted papers will be circulated to workshop participants prior to the workshop, and will appear on the PPIG web site (
Organizing Committee
Gabriela Pavel (Local Chair)
Prof. Marian Petre (Local Chair)
Dr. Maria Kutar (PPIG)
Prof. Thomas Green (PPIG)