Poster Submissions


The MPEG Query Format: Unified Access to distributed Multimedia Retrieval Systems

Mario D�ller and Harald Kosch (University of Passau, Germany)
Matthias Gruhne (Fraunhofer IDMT, Germany)
Ingo Wolf (Deutsche Telekom, Germany)

In recent years, the growing number of digital audiovisual media files available over the internet or even on user�s hard discs is overwhelming. In order to support efficient storage and retrieval of those data, several comprehensive and rich multimedia retrieval systems (MMRS) have been introduced. Unfortunately, a standardized query format is not yet available and almost every retrieval framework provides its own proprietary solution. Therefore, the ISO/IEC SC29 WG11 (MPEG) committee decided to contribute to this application by establishing the MPEG Query Format (MPQF). The MPQF is targeting to become international standard in April 2008. The MPQF provides besides the standardization of messages from and to multimedia services also functionalities for service discovery, aggregated services and definition of service capability descriptions.

In this context, the poster will present the features of the MPEG Query Format and its solutions to provide unified access to distributed MMRS: we will demonstrate how MPQF can address different XML-based multimedia metadata standards, show the Web Service framework for service discovery and management, present the principles of the distributed query processing, and explain the result aggregation and presentation.

Hosted by the Knowledge Media Institute