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Chwhynny OverbeekeMember status icon

PhD Research Student
Chwhynny Overbeeke Photograph

I'm working on a PhD project that is partly funded by Talis Information Limited (http://www.talis.com/), which will focus on integrating the data provided by traditional citation analysis tools and bibliographic servers with information that is available on the Semantic Web and Web 2.0 sites. The purpose of this is to provide users with much more sophisticated models of the dynamics of a research area. My supervisors are Enrico Motta, Tom Heath, and Paul Mulholland.<br>


Elevator pitch:<br>

"It is often hard to find out what topics in research are new and emerging, becoming more popular, or disappearing, and why this is the case. My research will help identify and possibly predict research trends to provide an insight into the make-up of the research community at a given time. By taking snapshots of and predicting research trends it will be easier to make sense of the dynamics of the research community."

Keys: Artificial intelligence, semantic annotation, information retrieval, human-computer interaction, language & speech technology



Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi

Fernandez, M., Overbeeke, C., Sabou, M. and Motta, E. (2009) What makes a good ontology? A case-study in fine-grained knowledge reuse, 4th Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2009), Shanghai, China

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