Alumni Member
Stefan Dietze (Alumni) 
Research Fellow
My research at KMi was focused on Semantic Web Service (SWS) technologies, Knowledge Modelling and Context Modelling in particular. I worked on the NoTube project which follows a SWS-based paradigm to provide unified access to distributed digital media, whereas my previous research was concerned with the application of SWS technologies to the eLearning domain in the LUISA project.
Keys: Semantic Web Services, Knowledge Modelling, Knowledge-Based Systems, Conceptual Spaces
Drachsler, H., Stoyanov, S., d'Aquin, M., Herder, E., Guy, M. and Dietze, S. (2014) An Evaluation Framework for Data Competitions in TEL, 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, ECTEL
Zerr, S., d'Aquin, M., Marenzi, I., Taibi, D., Adamou, A. and Dietze, S. (2014) Towards Analytics and Collaborative Exploration of Social and linked Media for Technology-Enchanced Learning Scenarios, Workshop: 1st International Workshop on Dataset PROFIling & fEderated Search for Linked Data (PROFILES 2014), Heraklion, Greece, 1151, 3, CEUR-WS
d'Aquin, M., Dietze, S., Drachsler, H., Guy, M., Herder, E. and Parodi, E. (2014) Building the Open Elements of an Open Data Competition, D-Lib Magazine, 20, 5/6
Domingue, J., Mikroyannidis, A. and Dietze, S. (2014) Online Learning and Linked Data: Lessons Learned and Best Practices, 23rd international conference on World Wide Web, Seoul, Korea, pp. 191-192, International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee
Guy, M., (2014) LinkedUp: Linking Open Data for Education, Ariadne, Web Magazine for Information Professionals, 72