News Story
Ramoni Fellowship at UMass
Marc Eisenstadt, Monday 6 Jul 1998From 1st July to 1st October 1998, KMi Research Fellow Marco Ramoni will be working as Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, one of the world’s leading laboratories in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, according to a recent Business Week survey.
The Experimental Knowledge Systems Laboratory, directed by Paul R. Cohen, invited Marco Ramoni and Paola Sebastiani, newly-appointed lecturer at the Open University’s Department of Statistics, to apply some of the theories and methods they developed in the Bayesian Knowledge Discovery Project to the EKSL robotic project, which is exploring the idea that machines should acquire their own conceptual systems or ontologies through interaction.
Links to related items/stories:
- UMass Experimental Knowledge Systems Laboratory
- Business Week’s “World’s Leading IT Research Labs” survey
- Ramoni and Sebastiani’s Bayesian Knowledge Discovery Project
- Marco Ramoni’s home page
- Paola Sebastiani’s home page
- Paul Cohen’s home page at UMass EKSL
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