News Story

FirstFlight First on AP

Marc Eisenstadt, Wednesday 21 Jul 1999

The FirstFlight site, dedicated to the history and scientific study of flight, has once again leapt to the top of the charts. This time, aspects of the site are featured on the Associated Press ‘History of the 20th Century in Video’ site.

Because of the design of AP’s own user interface, you need to click on the first link shown below, and then wait for the ‘Video’ label to appear in the lower right-hand corner. Click on that label, and then you’ll see the featured Wright Brothers movie clip, which was itself the subject of an earlier Planet story. Because the AP links to historical videos are shown in chronological order, the 1903 sequence is likely to remain permanently at the top of the list! The FirstFlight site, developed by Peter Whalley and his colleagues, continues to be the recipient of extensive publicity and web traffic from around the world.

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