News Story

Vice-Chancellor Meets KMi Staff

Marc Eisenstadt, Wednesday 20 Feb 2002

Professor Brenda Gourley, in post since January 2002 as the Open University’s fourth Vice-Chancellor, visited KMi today to meet staff as part of her ‘get acquainted’ series of visits to OU units.

After a brief introductory chat with KMi Director Dr. Enrico Motta, Professor Gourley was then introduced to research teams around KMi. Research team leaders described a selection of projects currently underway, and Professor Gourley was able to meet a representative group of staff.

Dr. Simon Buckingham Shum introduced the ‘Collaborative Sense Making’ series of projects, followed by Dr. Paul Mulholland, Dr. Zdenek Zdrahal, and Dr. John Domingue and their teams describing KMi’s work on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Modelling.

Professor Gourley then met Professors Eisenstadt and Vincent, and was taken around the Centre for New Media by CNM Head Dr. Peter Scott.

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