News Story

CIPHER Project Begins

Paul Mulholland, Friday 5 Apr 2002

Today sees the first meeting of the CIPHER project. CIPHER is a two and a half year, 1.5 million Euro project, funded by the EU Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme, within the area of “Heritage for All”.

The overall aim of the CIPHER project is to develop innovative technologies and methodologies that enable the celebration and exploration of natural and regional heritage on a global scale. This will be realised through the development of Cultural Heritage Forums, associated to specific European regions. Cultural Heritage Forums will support visitors in the creation of personal and communal spaces, supported by narrative conventions and structures. Navigation and exploration facilities based on self-organising maps will help visitors to cluster and visualise forum content.

KMi’s partners in the CIPHER project are:

  • Dublin Institute of Technology
  • University of Art and Design Helsinki
  • Czech Technical University
  • The Discovery Programme
  • RiS GmbH

The Cultural Heritage Forums to be developed during the project are “Irish Cultural and Natural and Heritage”, “Nordic Heritage through Storytelling and Historical Artefacts”, “Shared Heritage of Central Europe” and “Tradition of technology innovation in South Central England”.

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