News Story
Re:AKT spreads the word
Jane Whild, Monday 9 Dec 2002
Hot off the press, the Re:AKT newsletter is spreading the word about the AKT project – describing its goals and ambitions, results and achievements, and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
KMi are a member of the AKT consortium together with the Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Sheffield, and Southampton. Funded by the EPSRC, the £7m, 6-year AKT project aims to develop and extend a range of technologies providing integrated methods and services for the capture, modelling, publishing, reuse and management of knowledge.
According to AKT Director, Prof. Nigel Shadbolt, Re:AKT articulates the assumptions behind the SemanticWeb and how AKT is tackling one of the great challenges of the 21st Century – realising the potential of the extraordinary information repository that humankind is building.
Co editors John Domingue and Kieron O’, would welcome feedback at .
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