News Story

BuddySpace:10,000 Downloads

Marc Eisenstadt, Monday 14 Jul 2003

BuddySpace, KMi&#39s environment for integrating instant messaging, maps, and semantic web services, has now been downloaded by more than 10,000 users since the release of version 2.1 in February.

Roughly half of these downloads come from the service provided by, and the other half come from KMi&#39s own BuddySpace site, also linked from SourceForge.

For the first few months, immediately following publicity and strong reviews accompanying the launch, the BuddySpace site was averaging over 1,000 unique visitors per day, with over 100 of those choosing to download the software daily. Although a small percentage of the numbers are attributed to duplicated downloads, there are also uncounted downloads since a single &#39installable&#39 file can be re-distributed to many colleagues at one site (for example), and Open University students now using BuddySpace are not counted in these numbers.

BuddySpace 2.2 was released in late June, and is available from the links below.

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