News Story

KMi support for OU opposition to Government ELQ proposals

Alan Fletcher, Monday 17 Dec 2007

KMi were happy to show support for this important opposition by appearing as part of the Channel 4 news story on the ELQ proposals. In brief, the govt. wants to remove all funding for students studying for a degree at the same level as one they already hold. For the OU this represents a significant number of our students and a serious potential loss of income.
KMi staff were happy to support the general OU opposition to this proposal by appearing in a Channel 4 news bulletin on the subject.
As a key centre for the development of learning technologies and the community relationships of learners, KMi share the concerns of the university Vice Chancellor that the removal of funding for a large proportion of our target audience may have serious implications for the development of learning techniques.
For more information – watch the Channel 4 bulletin in full.

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