News Story
Wikimedia UK Conference – Mediawiki for OER and Learning Analytics
Simon Knight, Sunday 9 Jun 2013PhD student Simon Knight was in Lincoln this weekend talking about Mediawiki for OER and Learning Analtics and the 2013 Wikimedia UK conference and AGM. In addition to the AGM function, the conference is a chance to catch up with what Wikimedia UK are helping organise with the Wikimedia community in the UK including their work with Galleries Libraries Archives and Museums (GLAM), educational outreach, media from cultural group and instituitions, and open access resources – much of which is of relevance to us in KMi.
Simon’s talk was on the potential of mediawiki for OER and data around their use (paradata), alongside learning analytics, and the scope for developing personalised learning pathways through OER from such data.
The slides are below, in addition to a blog with more extended thoughts on the WMUK conference.
Mediawiki for oer and learning analytics – understanding learning resources and learners from sjgknight
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