News Story

KMi Receives 12 Bottles of Quality Champagne as an Expression of Thanks for Our Research

Petr Knoth, Tuesday 19 Aug 2014

Two mysterious boxes of quality champagne have been delivered to KMi on Friday last week. After an original uncertainty about the sender and the true recipient, it has been revealed they were sent by a London based company Research Research Limited.  The champagne was addressed to Petr Knoth and his team developing the CORE system as an expression of thanks for producing the service. The company has started using the CORE dataset and services to improve the performance of their classification algorithms, which are applied in production as part of their business. The adoption of CORE helped to dramatically boost their performance indicated by a substantial increase in F-measure. The champagne has been sent as special thanks for the CORE outputs and Petr’s help in setting this use case up.

The event triggers an interesting question of whether the next REF should use champagne as one of the impact indicators.


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