News Story

KMi paper wins the 2022 SWSA Ten-Year Award

KMi Reporter, Tuesday 25 Oct 2022

Congratulations to Hassan Saif, Yulan He and Harith Alani on winning the prestigious Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA) Ten-Year Award. The prize was announced at the opening ceremony of the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022) on 25th October. 

The Award recognizes the highest impact papers from the ISWC proceedings ten years prior. The decision is based primarily, but not exclusively, on the number of citations to the papers from the proceedings in the intervening decade.

The winning paper was:
Semantic Sentiment Analysis of Twitter, ISWC 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7649. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

The award committee is chaired by the President of the Semantic Web Science Association and consists of the general chair and program chairs for ISWC 2022.

Awardees are invited to write a short note for the Journal of Web Semantics reflecting on their work being honored and its impact on the field and their own research. The winning paper receives an award of $1000 and each author will receive a certificate.

Well done to the authors. 

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