News Story

KMi Research Fellow co-authors Erasmus funded publication on creativity

Tracie Farrell, Thursday 9 Feb 2023

Dr. Tracie Farrell, a Research Fellow at KMi and winner of the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (Round 6), has announced a new publication today on LinkedIn outlining a methodology that individuals and groups can use to develop their creative practice, particularly when engaging with large, complex problems.

The “Kinetic Method” is the result of more than 10 years of collaboration with co-authors Karolina Iwa and Zora Csalagovits, and provides readers with a contextual background to the project and its principles, concrete descriptions of methods, and shared best practices of applying these methods “in the field”. The publication was funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme (Key Action 2) and is free to download from the project website, where you will also find more information about the wider aims of the project, a short podcast series on the main themes in the book and an initial assessment tool on basic creative skills (Observation, Inquiry and Interpretation).

If you are interested in some of the scientific research associated with the Kinetic Method, you can read more about Question-based Dialogue in the following publications (done in partnership with the University of Aachen):

Farrell Frey, T., Gkotsis, G., & Mikroyannidis, A. (2016). Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Representing metacognition with question-based dialogue. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Vol. 1736, pp. 51-58).

de Lange, P., Göschlberger, B., Farrell, T., Neumann, A. T., & Klamma, R. (2019). Decentralized learning infrastructures for community knowledge buildingIEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies13(3), 516-529.

Dr. Farrell and her colleagues look forward to any feedback or questions about the material. For more information you can contact her at


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