News Story

1st Scientific Knowledge Graphs Workshop (SKG2020)

Angelo Salatino, Tuesday 1 Sep 2020

The 1st Workshop on Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKG2020) was held virtually on 25th August, when participants were invited to explore innovative solutions and ideas for the production and consumption of Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKGs).

SKG was a satellite event of the 24th edition of the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL2020), which was attended virtually by many practitioners from the field of Digital Libraries, Database, Semantic Web, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence and others.

This event was organised by two KMi researchers, Angelo Salatino and Francesco Osborne, alongside KMi alumnus, Andrea Mannocci, who is now at the Italian Research Council (CNR) in Pisa, Italy.

At SKG, Francesco took the chance to present a short paper about one of their latest works, developed in collaboration with a former KMi Visiting Student Simone Angioni and Diego Reforgiato Recupero at the University of Cagliari:

Angioni, Simone; Salatino, AngeloOsborne, Francesco; Reforgiato Recupero, Diego and Motta, Enrico (2020). Integrating Knowledge Graphs for Analysing Academia and Industry Dynamics. In: 1st Workshop on Scientific Knowledge Graphs, 25 Aug 2020, Lyon, France.

In this paper, Francesco presented the Academia/Industry DynAmics (AIDA) Knowledge Graph, which describes 14M publications and 8M patents according to the research topics drawn from the Computer Science Ontology. 4M publications and 5M patents are further characterized according to the type of the author’s affiliations (academy, industry, or collaborative) and 66 industrial sectors (e.g., automotive, financial, energy, electronics) organized in a two-level taxonomy.

SKG2020 was a very successful event, which saw a peak of 64 attendees, highlighting the importance of such an event and how central is this topic among the community of scholars.

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