News Story

Update on Delivering the CORE Membership Programme

David Pride, Monday 3 Apr 2023

We’re keen to update you with the latest developments as we continue to welcome more CORE Members and keep improving the tools and support for our members while delivering on our mission to index all open access research worldwide.

In March, we welcomed another six new institutions who have joined CORE as Supporting and Sustaining members; University of Exeter, Cardiff University, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Hull, University of Nottingham and University of Strathclyde. A huge thank you goes out to all of these amazing folks!

We see this support as instrumental and essential for the future of open access and open research. We’re delighted at the level of support shown by the community as it represents a significant contribution to the ongoing sustainability of CORE.

Our technical team has been making significant progress in improving both the user experience and documentation for the CORE Dashboard, the platform used by hundreds of CORE members and institutional repositories. The Dashboard gives repository managers a suite of tools for managing their Open Access content indexed by CORE, dealing with issues with metadata issues, and checking compliance with OA funder policies, specifically, we are working hard on updating the Dashboard for compliance with the UKRI OA policy and looking for other policies beyond the UK.

Within the CORE Dashboard, we have introduced a new tutorial that shows users how they can benefit from the tools provided by the Dashboard.

Our aim with these developments is to signify the ongoing growth and dedication of CORE in promoting open access and transforming the landscape of scholarly communication. We have been reaching out to UK institutions, working with them gathering feedback and this will be incorporated into a public wish list of features. We keep our Board of Supporters updated about this wish list and work with them to help us determine the community priorities. The first date for the Board of Supporters to convene is being finalised, and we expect this to take place in the second part of June.

We have a number events lined up where we will be presenting CORE and we will be delighted if you can join us:

  • Charleston Conference: “THE FUTURE OF SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION IN A CHATGPT WORLD” April 4-5 (Virtual Conference)
  • ILIDE2023: Innovative Libraries in the Digital Era 2023 Conference 24-26 April, Jasna, Slovakia
  • OR2023: 18th International Open Repositories Conference (OR2023) 12-15 June, Stellenbosch, South Africa
  • UKCORR: CORE will be hosting a webinar for members of the United Kingdom Council of Open Research and Repositories (UKCORR) towards the end of April 2023, exact date to be announced shortly.

Stay tuned for more exciting news and developments from CORE in the months to come!

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