News Story


Chris Valentine, Thursday 18 Mar 1999

Lord David Puttnam visited KMi on the 18th March to see research and development work, led by Dr Peter Whalley, into how the Web can be developed within the school curriculum. In particular, the novel approach of using historical and contemporary experiments to support the National Curriculum. This includes First Flight and the Mars Buggy.

After leaving KMi, Lord Puttnam visited Heronsgate School to meet pupils who are involved with Dr Whalley’s developments. The school’s Web site reflects this involvement which has been very highly rated – it is one of the two Web sites included in BECTa’s Gallery.

Lord Puttnam has a key role in the DfEE in leading the design of the ‘School of the Future’ within the Learning Zone of the Millennium Dome.



Development of virtual science environments

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Heronsgate Middle School Site

Developing rich multimedia with schools and the local community

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