News Story

Bulgaria, Germany, Japan: The IRS-III Tour Continues

John Domingue, Monday 18 Oct 2004

The first week in November will see KMi�s Semantic Web Services infrastructure, IRS-III, presented for the third time as part of a tutorial. Previous tutorials were held in conjunction with the AIMSA (Artificial Intelligence, Methods, Systems and Applications) conference in Varna, Bulgaria, and in conjunction with the NetObjectDays conference in Erfurt, Germany. In these full-day WSMO tutorials, attendees managed to successfully create their own Semantic Web Services using IRS-III during a one and a half hour hands-on session. The forthcoming tutorial on Tools and Technologies for Semantic Web Services will be held in conjunction with the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 04) in Hiroshima, Japan. This tutorial will be given jointly by KMi participants (John Domingue and Liliana Cabral), our collaborators from the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) (led by Christoph Bussler) on the EU funded DIP project, and also Prof. Katia Sycara of Carnegie Mellon University. IRS-III builds on work carried out by Prof. Enrico Motta on Problem Solving Methods and now extended through the Web Services Modelling Ontology (WSMO). IRS-III and previous implementations (IRS, IRS-II) were developed during the DIP, AKT and MiAKT projects with additional contributions from a number of interns in KMi. The predecessor IRS-II was successfully used to teach Ph.D. students about Semantic Web Services within the KnowledgeWeb sponsored European Summer Schools on Ontological Engineering and the Semantic Web held in Cercedilla Spain in 2003 and 2004.



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