News Story

Glowing Final Review Report for DIP

John Domingue, Monday 27 Nov 2006

Last week a glowing final review report arrived for DIP the 3-year 16M Euro Integrated Project on Semantic Web Services. Although we have reported earlier that the final review had been a success it is unusual for an official EU document to be so full of praise. In the words of KMi’s Director, Enrico Motta: “this is easily the best review report I have ever seen!” Quotes from the final review report include: “it is the reviewers’ overall conclusion that the project has been a resounding success” “This is an extremely high calibre consortium which has done excellent work. Correspondingly, the project made a significant global impact on the Semantic Web community, mainly through its standardisation, training and dissemination efforts.” “…it is anticipated that the results will have a significant impact upon the research community for some time. The excellent results have been achieved in all respects: theory, technology, tools, industrial cases, standardization and dissemination.” “Exploitation and Dissemination activities are convincingly real and very powerful, to the extent that the project has probably witnessed (and has in no small way contributed to) the successful conception of a new SWS generation. Europe is now the global centre-of-gravity for SWS.” “The DIP partners have ensured that the project has become a flagship project. Without exception the partners have worked extremely hard from the start of the project and have collaborated with each other in an exemplary fashion. Overall, DIP has been a paragon of collaborative research. The reviewers would be pleased if DIP was drawn on by the CEC as an exemplar project, in order to demonstrate the increased value of carrying out international collaborative research.” KMi’s work within DIP, based upon IRS-III, was singled out for praise at each review. This work was carried out by five KMi Research Fellows: Liliana Cabral, Stefania Galizia, Alessio Gugliotta, Barry Norton, and Carlos Pedrinaci; and Vlad Tanasescu a KMi PhD student. Additionally, the Scientific Director of DIP was John Domingue, a KMi Deputy Director.



Data, Information and Process Integration with Semantic Web Services

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