News Story

Best Paper, Keynote and the OER Social networks launch

Alexandra Okada, Monday 9 Dec 2013

…. The best paper award of the III LUSO Brazilian Conference on Distance Education and eLearning goes to …

Alexandra Okada, Antonio Serra, Silvar Ribeiro and Sonia Pinto, authors of  “ Key Competences for co-learning and co-inquiry in the Digital Age”

This paper presents an exploratory investigation in development with preliminary results on "Key Competences for XXI Century Education in the Digital Age." The method applied was cyber-ethnography with asynchronous observation (forum and wiki) and synchronous discussions (webconference) for analysing skills and competences developed during the process of co-inquiry and co-learning in two online environments. This study involves researchers from the UK, Brazil, Portugal and Spain. They initiated their interactions in the portal Encuentro.Educared of the "International Meeting on Education 2012-2013", organized by the company Telefónica and also in the inquiry environment weSPOT (Working Environment with Social Personal and Open Technologies) funded by the European Commission. As a result of this study, it was observed that the portal led to the development of more explicit digital literacies, possibly because it was a simpler interface and familiar (forum). And in the inquiry environment, participants familiar with digital technologies had more opportunities to develop other skills related to Critical-Creative Thinking and Socio-Scientific Reasoning.

During this event, Ale Okada and COLEARN –  open research network launched the 2nd edition of the book Open Educational resources and Social Networks with Carlos Teatine the Director of Distance Education of Brazil Government.

Ale Okada was the keynote who presented "Key competences in open, personal and massive environments" describing case studies about OER, PLE and MOOC.

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