News Story

CATALYSTs interactive workshop at the Open University

Anna De Liddo, Tuesday 11 Feb 2014

On January 28-30th KMi hosted the second CATALYST consortium meeting.
Catalyst aims to develop collective intelligence tools and services for online communities to support social innovation processes. Specifically, the project goal is to improve online deliberation processes with powerful analytics and visualizations.
Catalyst is now entering his first semester and it already produced new understanding of the main problems facing common social innovation platforms. A list of pain points has been presented together with communities’ needs and priorities that will be used to inform the next face of technology design (see deliverable).
Moreover the first rationale for the design of new analytics for social innovation has been presented. These analytics will have the main objective to detect and diagnose online deliberation processes and mediate users attention toward “good” debate actions (see deliverable).
Finally an interactive workshop was organised to brainstorm on possible visualizations to represent Social Innovation analytics. The 18 participants to the meeting were asked to select between 36 questions cards (representing a specific information need) and then pick the visualization that would better answer to that need. Participants picked from a pool of 50 visualizations cards and then told the story of how they imagine the visualization interaction would work.

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