News Story

COMPOSEing Things in London

Carlos Pedrinaci, Thursday 13 Feb 2014

Last week KMi hosted a plenary meeting of the COMPOSE project in London. COMPOSE is a three year, € 7.4 M collaborative research project funded by the EU to devise an integrated platform for better supporting the development of smart applications and services for the Internet of Things.   

COMPOSE will achieve this through the provisioning of an open and scalable marketplace infrastructure, in which smart objects and services may be registered, annotated, discovered, and integrated in a standardised way to simplify the creation of innovative applications. The project will release both an integrated stack of open source software as well as it will provide an open platform in the cloud, enabling end-users and developers to easily share and reuse existing sensors, data, and services without requiring the installation of complex heavy-weight platforms.   

The project, which is starting the second year, will now move onto deploying and evaluating the technology developed in three use cases. One use case is devoted to supporting the development of Smart Shopping Spaces, another one focusses on Smart Cities using Barcelona (Spain) as the case study, and finally the third one tackles Smart Territories using Trentino (Italy) for our study.  

A highlight of the meeting was the invited talk by Dave Conway-Jones from IBM Hursley. Dave presented NodeRED, one of the most popular open source solutions for creating IoT applications with a graphical interface. COMPOSE will join forces with NodeRED, which is already widely adopted by IoT developers, and will enhance it with the project’s large-scale data communication and processing infrastructure, as well as with smart developers support. Core to this infrastructure will be KMi led software for semantic discovery—iServe—and an intelligent composition engine for mashing up sensors and services.  

The consortium of COMPOSE includes large companies like IBM (coordinator) and Abertis; emerging SMEs in the IoT arena such as U-Hopper, and Evrythng; renown research centres and universities such as Fraunhofer and Barcelona’s Supercomputing Centre; and even the World Wide Web Consortium to promote and support standardisation activities. OU’s participation in this project consists of our very own Carlos Pedrinaci, recently appointed as Scientific Director for the project, and Luca Panziera. 

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