News Story

A successful first year review for FORGE!

Aneta Tumilowicz, Thursday 4 Dec 2014

On the cold 2nd of December FORGE project had its first year review in Brussels.

Professor John Domingue and Aneta Tumilowicz represented the KMi team at the review and were also responsible for the overall project presentation as KMi is the project’s coordinator.

A panel of four international experts, chaired by the EC project officer Georges Lobo, assessed the project with the first year project outcomes being accepted and giving FORGE the second highest evaluation score possible.

FORGE is a three year long project funded by the European Commission under FP7 framework with a budget of almost €2.5 million. The overall objective of FORGE is to introduce the FIRE experimental facilities into the eLearning community, in order to promote the concept of experimentally driven research in education by using experiments as an interactive learning and training channel for both students and professionals by raising the accessibility and usability of FIRE facilities.

Highlights from FORGE’s first year include:

  • (1) shortlisting for Irish Lab Award in category Educational Laboratory of the Year
  • (2) release of first project iBook
  • (3) organisation of Beyond MOOCs session at FIA Athens
  • (4) winning of FIA 2014 Best Poster award
  • (5) release of first newsletter

The first version of an interactive electronic book for the iPad and MacOS that contains a number of networking courses produced by FORGE that use FIRE facilities for introducing basic networking concepts to the reader/learner can be downloaded from project’s website:

Our newsletter is available at:

Related Links:

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Presentation of course lifecycle
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Festive Brussels



Forging Online Education through FIRE

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