News Story

The Digital Development Services Team receive STEM Excellence Award

Jane Whild, Thursday 23 Jun 2022

Congratulations to The Digital Development Team Services Team on receiving a STEM ‘Recognising Excellence’ Award at the Faculty Assembly on 22nd June. 

Tracie Farrell led the nomination, citing the team’s Support with new and ongoing initiatives within KMi and STEM and exemplary attitude to providing support: "The team is proactive, enthusiastic and supportive. The team go above and beyond what is expected of their roles to enhance the collegiality within KMi and STEM. They all, as individuals and a team, are a credit to KMi and STEM."

Damian Dadswell, Senior Digital Development Sevices Manager accepted the award on behalf of the team members: Namrata Londhe, Chris Valentine, Olivia Hagen, Harriett Cornish and Chris Sanders.

KMi Director, John Domingue, said: "A thoroughly deserved award. This team has been for many years a cornerstone of what makes KMi such a fabulous impactful place to work!"

Damian said "The team and I are humbled and thankful to be recognised by our colleagues and the Faculty for this award."


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