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Book on Intelligent Semantic Web Systems published

Mathieu d'Aquin, Wednesday 15 Jun 2016

A new book written by KMiers Mathieu d’Aquin and Enrico Motta has just been published by Morgan and Claypool publishers, in the series "The Semantic Web: Theory and Technology". This book entitled "The Epistemology of Intelligent Semantic Web Systems" is a reflection of the evolution of the Semantic Web, a young discipline in comparison to other areas of computer science. It highlights and discusses key questions that have animated the research community and introduces a simple conceptual framework which characterizes Intelligent Semantic Web Systems, as well as many examples of such systems. 

"The Epistemology of Intelligent Semantic Web Systems"  is the result of more than a decade working as researchers and application developers in the Semantic Web area and of the many discussions, exchanges and collaboration within KMi on the way the Semantic Web has been evolving. It is therfore a reflection of this evolution, with the aim to take a snapshot of where we are at this specific point in time, and also to show what the future will be like, or at least should be like!

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