News Story

KMi Congratulates Dr. Suchetha Nambanoor-Kunnath for Completing her PhD

Chris Valentine, Monday 4 Dec 2023

Many congratulations to Dr. Suchetha Nambanoor-Kunnath for successfully defending her PhD thesis with the title: “Language Models for Citation Classification”. Her PhD topic focused on large language models for citation classification and how this can impact several areas including research evaluation, literature discovery and summary generation.

Suchetha’s panel was chaired by Prof. Bart Rienties, while Professors Enrico Motta, from KMi, and Silvio Peroni, from the University of Bologna, were her two examiners. 

Prof. Silvio Peroni commented that he was particularly impressed with the literature review, which was published as a stand-alone piece of work in the Journal of Qualitative Scientific Studies this past December.

Her supervisors, Prof. Petr Knoth and Dr David Pride, commented:  “We are extremely proud of Suchetha and her dedication to her studies. She arrived in the U.K. at the start of a global pandemic, and she coped amazingly well with the additional challenges this presented. Her body of work represents a significant contribution to this important area of study.”

Suchetha is set to advance her professional career in KMi, taking on a role at CORE as a postdoctoral researcher. Initially her work will include developing language models for the classification of research papers according to the U.N.’s 17 Special Development Goals. This will aid institutions in mapping how their research is helping meet these goals.

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