News Story

KMi doctoral students participate at the Alan Turing PhD networking event

Nancy Pontika, Tuesday 30 Jan 2024

On Friday 26th, doctoral students Paula Reyero-Lobo and Angel Pavon-Perez participated at the Alan Turing PhD networking event. The overarching initiative aims to create a more interconnected network of doctoral students across various organizations, improve student skills by supplementing PhD program activities, and offer opportunities for greater awareness and connection to real-world challenges and applications. 

Paula had the opportunity to present her work on applying semantics to mitigate bias in hate speech detection systems, whereas Angel participated in presentations by fellow PhD students, engaging in conversations to establish connections. Both of them had the chance to discuss the challenges inherent in their research and the broader aspects of academia, such as the current structure and publication processes.

The Alan Turing Institute is a leading UK-based research center focused on data science and artificial intelligence. It brings together researchers from various disciplines to address real-world challenges and advance cutting-edge research in data science and AI. Named after the renowned mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing, the institute collaborates with academia, industry, and government to drive innovation and provide expertise in data-driven technologies. 



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