News Story

Transforming Education with Artificial Intelligence

John Domingue, Wednesday 20 Mar 2024

Ahead of interactive public events in Scotland exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI), Open University (OU) Professor of Computer Science John Domingue shares the latest developments in AI at the OU and beyond.

Within the past decade or so Artificial Intelligence has come to the fore in higher education, with The Open University leading the way.

Over 40 years ago, as a computer science graduate with a fascination with Artificial Intelligence, I joined the OU’s AI centre within its Psychology Department.

With fellow PhD students and IT staff, our group crafted new AI tools and rigorously evaluated their impact on test subjects, before deploying the tools within the Cognitive Psychology course. My own PhD – focused on building an AI Tutor – contributed to our joint endeavour.

Read more at The Open University blog…


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