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Champion: Jon Linney
Project Officer RDF Icon

Participant(s):Kevin Quick, Peter Scott

Timeline:16 Oct 2003 - 01 Jan 2013



The power of 'presence' brought to your browser

Keep in touch with your colleagues wherever you are in the world. Not only can you see their present 'state-of-being', or use the inbuilt text chat, as with many other types of software, but you can actually see them working at their desk with regularly updating thumbnail images. And when you need a quick 'word' you can 'voice' chat with them!


Publications | Download PDF Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Scott, P., Quick, K., Tomadaki, E. and Linney, J. (2006) Ambient Video Awareness: 'It's Great, but I Still Don't Want It', Workshop: What went wrong with Technology Enhanced Learning at European Conference of Technology Enhanced Learning, Crete, Greece Innovative approaches for learning and knowledge sharing, eds. E. Tomadaki, P. Scott, 213, pp. 207-214, CEUR-WS

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KMi, The Open University

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