EDIA related projects, initiatives and events

EDIA related projects, initiatives and events


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Event: International Women's Day

To mark International Women's Day 2022 we held a screening of Picture a Scientist and shared our pledges to Break the Bias.



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Event: Ada Lovelace Day

Today was Ada Lovelace Day (ALD2021) - the annual international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). It aims to increase the profile of women in STEM and, in doing so, create new role models who will encourage more girls into STEM careers and support women already working in STEM.

Happy #AdaLovelaceDay!

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LBGTQ+ History Month

February is LGBT+ History Month in the UK and KMi is celebrating the achievements and contributions of LGBT+ individuals alongside our colleagues at the Open University LGBT+ staff network.

LBGTQ+ History Month

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University Mental Health Day

4 March, was University Mental Health Day and our Management Board marked this in KMi with the KMi Wellbeing Collage.

To this purpose we allocated some time during the day to activities that are conducive to our physical and/or mental wellbeing. KMi-ers also shared with the other lab members photos or videos showing what they do for their wellbeing. This included going for a walk, cooking in the kitchen, sitting in the garden or on the sofa with their pet, a sport activity, and even writing computer code.

All the contributions were put together in a collage to commemorate the date.

University Mental Health Day

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Event: International Women's Day

We invited KMi members to share their thoughts about this year's annual International Women's Day. We hope you enjoy hearing these stories. They mention inspirational women, women who have influenced career decisions, and the significance of diversity in the workplace. They give examples of how we #ChooseToChallenge ourselves and other people every day about equality and inclusion.


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Project: Misogynoir

Joseph Kwarteng, a second-year PhD student in the OU's Knowledge Media Institute (KMI), has launched Misogynoir Online, a website that invites Black women to share their stories of misogynoir by posting them on the platform.

The term 'Misogynoir' was coined in 2008 by Black feminist scholar Moya Bailey. It is used to describe the unique form of misogyny and racialised oppression of Black women


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Project: Understanding the BAME attainment gap at the OU by means of quantitative and qualitative data analytics

When learning analytics are applied to learn student patterns and identify students at risk, data is not disaggregated by demographic groups. Therefore, the learning and behavioural patterns of ethnic minorities may not be given the same relevance as those of the majority demographic (White students).

Understanding the BAME attainment gap

Latest Seminar
Jocelyn Burnham
AI for Culture

AI: Creating for Culture with Jocelyn Burnham

Watch the live webcast

#kmiou on Bluesky


Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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