News Story


John Domingue, Wednesday 7 Mar 2007

March 2007 saw KMi host a project meeting for the SUPER Integrated Project with more than 60 participants from industry and academia. SUPER aims to develop a technological platform to support the management of business processes in a scalable and semantically interoperable manner. On the agenda were discussions on: the SUPER process modelling ontology stack, led with KMi’s John Domingue and SAP’s Christian Brelage; the SUPER Architecture, led by DERI’s Manfred Hauswirth; process mining and reverse business engineering, led by Wil van der Aalst from the University of Eindhoven; as well as the sucessful pre-review with the European Commission, and the up-coming Review to be held in Berlin in July.



Semantics Utilised for Process management within and between EnteRprises

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