News Story

KMi Summer Scholarships for Black Students at the MK Innovates Festival for the STEM

Nancy Pontika, Thursday 19 Oct 2023

The KMi Summer Scholarships for Black Students stand at the MK Innovates Festival attracted interest and engagement from schoolteachers, parents, college lecturers, young people, and even the local job centre.

School teachers were particularly interested in the program, with many expressing their desire to have us come and talk to their 16-year-old students who are doing their A Levels. We also spoke with parents and young people at the stand, and it was clear that there is a strong appetite for programs like this. Many of the young people we spoke to were into technology and interested in learning more about AI, and they were eager to hear about the opportunities that are available to them.

A staff member from the job centre also asked us to consult with their team that works with young, unemployed people. This collaboration would provide the opportunity to reach out to a group of young people who may not be aware of the opportunities that are available. With the initial support of their employment adviser, the scholarship could create a pathway to employment.

Overall, the KMi Summer Scholarships for Black Students stand was a success and generated great networking. A wide range of people visited the stand, and there was a lot of curiosity and engagement. We are excited to continue this program in 2024, and to help more young people from underrepresented backgrounds pursue a career in computer science and to show them that there is a place for them in this field.

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