Full Seminar Details

Mr Martin Memmel

German Research Center for AI

Mr Martin Memmel
This event took place on Wednesday 28 November 2007 at 11:30

In this presentation the requirements of a framework for sharing digital resources and metadata to meet the needs of open, flexible e-learning solutions will be discussed.
The changing nature of the Web and its users as observed in recent years clearly establishes the need for new approaches and technologies to fully exploit the potential for working with existing digital resources.
Formal metadata about the resources can be combined with information created in lightweight and user-centric approaches in order to significantly enhance resource descriptions and enable more efficient access to existing knowledge. The ALOE system, currently in development at DFKI, is one such solution and will be presented as a realization of an appropriate framework.

Due to ongoing refurbishment of our webcasting equipment this event will not be webcast or recorded.

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