Full Seminar Details

Holger Lewen

AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)

 Holger Lewen
An Open Rating System for Collaborative Ontology Evaluation
This event took place on Thursday 31 January 2008 at 11:30

Open Rating Systems provide a means for obtaining many opinions on content from different people. The basic idea is that when seeking advice, people turn to someone they trust and whose opinion they value. Based on statements about the perceived trust towards the ability of another user to provide helpful reviews, reviews will be presented in an order that is inferred to be most useful for the user. Basic Open Rating Systems are currently employed when products should be ratable for end-users, like Amazon's product reviews.

In this talk an adapted Open Rating System model is presented that is tailored to ontology reviewing. It will be shown how such a system can be seen used as an ontology evaluation framework that can combine automated and human reviews. Also the status of the ongoing effort of integration with Watson will be discussed.

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