Full Seminar Details

Guido Zuccon

 Guido Zuccon
Information Retrieval and Quantum Theory
This event took place on Wednesday 16 July 2008 at 11:30

In this talk I will illustrate how Quantum Theory can be used to model Information Retrieval. In particular, I will briefly illustrate some previous work in this area, such the ones by van Rijsbergen ("The Geometry of Information Retrieval", CUP 2004) and Melucci ("A basis for Information Retrieval in Context", TOIS June 2008). Then I will describe how a technique for IR based on Logical Imaging can be formalized in terms of Quantum Theory: part of the work that I am going to introduce will be presented at TIR2008 in a paper titled "A formalization of Logical Imaging for Information Retrieval using Quantum Theory". Finally, I'm going to illustrate the ideas I planned to investigate during my visit to KMi.

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