Full Seminar Details
Manuel Lima

This event took place on Thursday 16 July 2009 at 16:00
http://visualcomplexity.com (VC) is a unified resource space for anyone interested in the visualization of complex networks. With over 600 projects, the goal is to leverage a critical understanding of different visualization methods, across a series of disciplines, as diverse as Biology, Social Networks or the World Wide Web.
This talk will leverage the existing pool of knowledge from VC to convey a current portrait of network visualization. It will illustrate some of its current trends and representation methods, and explore the reasons behind the recent outburst. It will also highlight some seminal executions and finalize with the challenges of building a New Science.
Nominated by Creativity magazine as "one of the 50 most creative and influential minds of 2009", Manuel Lima is an interaction designer, researcher and founder of VisualComplexity.com - A comprehensive repository of complex network visualizations.
He holds a BFA in Industrial Design from the Faculty of Architecture - Technical University of Lisbon and a MFA in Design & Technology from Parsons School of Design, New York. For this purpose he received 3 scholarships from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Luso-American Foundation and a Dean's scholarship from Parsons School of Design. During the course of the MFA program, Manuel worked for Siemens Corporate Research Center, the American Museum of Moving Image and Parsons Institute for Information Mapping in research projects for the National Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency.
After 3 years living, studying, working and teaching in NYC, Manuel moved to London where he currently works as a Senior User Experience Designer at Nokia's NextGen Software & Services. Manuel is also a frequent speaker in conferences and festivals around the world, on the topic of Information Visualization, in particular the visualization of complex networks. He has spoken in events such as OFFF, SHiFT, Reboot, VizThink, IxDA Interaction and MeshForum.

Maven of the Month
We are also inviting top experts in AI and Knowledge Technologies to discuss major socio-technological topics with an audience that comprises both members of the Knowledge Media Institute, as well as the wider staff at The Open University. Differently from our seminar series, these events follow a Q&A format.