Full Seminar Details

Prof. Michael Kohlhase

Jacobs University, Germany

Prof. Michael Kohlhase
A Semantic Web for Mathematics - Logic, Linguistics, and Management
This event took place on Wednesday 19 May 2010 at 11:30

This talk gives an overview over recent work on the building a Semantic Web for Mathematics (SWM). We want to realize this envisioned SWM as a flexiformal digital library that contains semantically annotated mathematical documents ranging from from informal (rigorous developments of mathematics in natural language with formulae) to documents expressed in formal logical systems.

We are approaching this SWM from five directions:

OMDoc, a modular representation frameworks for integrated
flexiformal libraries,
TNTBase/JOMDoc: a versioned XML-based storage and web application
framework for OMDoc
arXMLiv: automatically annotating semantic features in LaTeX-based
JOBAD: embedding semantic services into mathematical web documents.
using Semantic Web (linked-data) techniques on mathematical corpora.

We are currently integrating these components to our own SWM, I will try
to outline the successes and open problems involved in this project.

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