Full Seminar Details

Sonia Mandin

Université Pierre-Mendès-France

 Sonia Mandin
LSA-based Cognitive Models
This event took place on Wednesday 01 December 2010 at 11:30

This seminar concerns the design of technology enhanced learning environments to improve their learning through reading and writing activities. So far, We have tested (1) The effect of informative feedback on the computerized note-taking from an online course with students, (2) The effect of feedback on the production of a summary or a synthesis on the control of these activities and the understanding of the documents read and researches from students about the European project LTfLL.

Among these various studies, the most important research concerns the summary activity, an activity that allows learners to train their understanding and to assess it.

A large part of the work presented in this seminar relates to the computational modeling of cognitive processes used in understanding and writing activities. These models allow us to better understand the learner. They are based on latent semantic analysis and are used for predictive purposes in the systems designed.

More generally, with an original approach based on theories borrowed from different fields (psychological, educational, computer), we are trying to answer the question: how to assist learners to improve their reading comprehension and written production?

(Due to a combination of factors including a change of venue we were unable to record this event, we apologise to those who were otherwise unable to attend this event in person)

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