Full Seminar Details

Dr. Gary Alexander

Dr. Gary Alexander
Networking a Sustainable Future
This event took place on Monday 02 June 2003 at 14:00

Dr. Gary Alexander is the author of "eGaia, Growing a peaceful, sustainable Earth through communications" (Lighthouse Books, 2002, and see http://www.ghpbooks.com), a book which offers a vision of a society which is co-operative and self-governing. He has been on the faculty of the Open University in the UK for over 30 years, and is a pioneer in the use of on-line collaborative distance learning techniques. He has been the Director of the Open University's Energy Research Group, and its Electronic Media in Education Research Group.

The talk gives both social visions and an outline specification of software which could help people to implement the visions, with more detail in an accompanying paper. The software supports a) relationships of connection and trust, b) co-operation and exchange, c) self-governance.

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