Full Seminar Details

Lara Piccolo

 Lara Piccolo
Changing energy consumption awareness by means of technology
This event took place on Wednesday 18 September 2013 at 11:30

Developing a “smarter” world means creating technologies that will be part of daily routine of a diversity of people. Providing more adequate feedback of energy consumption (and generation) is an example of this scenario that may even change the way people have related to energy until now, potentially changing behaviour towards a more sustainable way of life.

To do so, the design process of these tools must take into account forces that may influence users' perception and interaction, such as the socioeconomics and cultural contexts, users' skills and their potential motivations.

In this seminar Lara will present an overview of technologies and motivational approaches applied in the design of energy eco-feedback technology. She will also share some experiences related to involvement of end-users in the design process in different scenarios of Brazil.

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