Full Seminar Details

Professor John Fox

Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford and Department of Oncology, UCL and Royal Free Hospital

Professor John Fox
Logics, tasks and agents: towards a unified model for delivering knowledge services
This event took place on Tuesday 07 October 2003 at 13:00

This talk will consist of an informal review of work at Cancer Research UK aimed at developing general methods and technologies for building knowledge based services for web deployment. The main outcome of this work to date is PROforma, a declarative specification language for modelling task expertise, and a toolset for building and deploying PROforma applications.

PROforma can be variously viewed as a logic programming language, an object-oriented language and an agent programming language. This combination of paradigms is effective for modelling many types of expertise and provides a natural scaffold on which to hang varied knowledge services.

My aim in this talk will be to convey a practical sense of our approach, its strengths and weaknesses, rather than a formal discussion (which can be found in many publications). Much of the talk will consist of demonstrations of tools and example applications, to stimulate discussion of how our technologies might add value to, and benefit from, current research and developments at KMI.

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