Full Seminar Details

Dnyanesh Rajpathak

 Dnyanesh Rajpathak
A Generic Library of Problem Solving Methods for Scheduling Applications
This event took place on Monday 24 November 2003 at 12:50

In this paper we investigate the reuse of the tasks and reasoning methods by developing a generic library of problem-solving methods (PSMs) for the scheduling task. Although, some attempts have been made in the past at developing libraries of scheduling PSMs, these attempts provide limited results, as in some cases they subscribe to the specific domains of scheduling, or in some other cases they implement a particular problem-solving technique that fails to support knowledge acquisition (KA).

Our library is organised on a uniform approach, whereby first we develop the task ontology of scheduling, and then construct a task-specific but application domain independent model of scheduling problem solving instantiated as search and by mapping the concepts from the task ontology. Different PSMs are then constructed uniformly by reusing a generic problem solving model. Our library is evaluated on number real-life and benchmark applications to confirm its generic and comprehensive nature.

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